miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011

Learning English with a crossword :D

This site is so interactive, it have activities for all ages and tastes. For these characteristics the BBC'site is a form more funny for learn or practice english.  This have funny activities like games, quizzes and cartoons (The Flatmates); that will help you in your grammar, vocabulation and pronunciation.
Today I found here, in the Quizzes, a Archaeology's Crossword. This gives clues for help you to resolve the crossword and while you can read news related with the topic, in this case, Archaeology.  When you finished it, you can to see your results.

I was wrong in one word, my score was 730. Anyway,  this was fun. While you play, you're learning.

Finally I see a  episode of 'The Flatmates'. In this episode, they plays to "Secret Santa", and they exchanged gift. This is like a "secret friend" by with another name.

Truly I always really bored in english classes, in all places where I had to learn it. Nothing personal. But it's fun :D

3 comentarios:

  1. is a very fun way to learning english

  2. Oh, you played with the archaeology crossword too. Wasn't it fun? Totally.

  3. Dear Camila
    Glad you liked the site.
    Make sure your post has the number of words required each week. This is much shorter than needed.
