miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012

Greatest Chilean.

I don't know very well who is worthy of this tittle, because this is very subjtetive.
I think that must be  admirable persons, no necessarily for godness, but talent, creativity or intelligence, or that have all this characteristic.

Personally I admire to Vicente Huidobro and Violeta Parra.
I think that all this persons was  very talented. All this people was be famous first outside from Chile, but not in yours countryFortunately now this was changed.

Vicente Huidodro is famous for write "Altazor". He was a very talented person, with a personalitty so special. I think that he must be considerate  like a one of the most important chilean poet, because only he attain to created a estetic movement like the creationism

Violeta Parra was a woman very talented, she encouragement all the arts: music, paint, sculture. And was the first chilean in exhibit in the Louvre Museum of London. 

But  actual chileans (that still lived) and I admire are Jose Maza and Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Are person very differente. One is a astronomer and the other is ... i can't explain well what is he.
Alejando Jodorowsky was be writer, poet, filmmaker, psicowizard, between other things.He is a very excentric and talented persons, He was filmed many movies, and write very books. Personally I like the boooks in that he talk about his own experience, living with quak or a zen master. I think that his books are useful for the daily life.
I think that his most important creation is the "Psico-magic", a terapeutic tecnic that group the psichoanalysis, the "chamanismo" and the catharsis of the teathre.

Jose Maza is a astronomer, national prize of  science, I like him because  is a person very modest and intelligent, and he search to explain the amazing discover from the universe with simple metaphors, for all the people understand. He was be dedicated to the study of Supernovas, knowlede that allow to discover that the universe is expanding  acceleratedly. And he is teacher of this University.

7 comentarios:

  1. you admire so much people! good! is good to have a person who is your goal or something like this... ah! I hope you get better!

  2. Oh my god! You admire Violeta too, she was definitely very special. But I don't really know much about Vicente Huidobro, I know someday I 'll read Altazor...I see the book everyday when I'm going to take the bus...he is calling me :O

    You still like astronomy, don't you?

    1. Obviously, I will always love the physic and the astronomy ♥

  3. your physical side seems to bloom again

  4. I've heard that Jodorowsky also has graphic novels with deep psychological arguments such as: "La casta de los metabarones" showing unexpected aesthetic combinations.

    1. Yes, Jodorowsky has made many comics too. He is a very multifaceted ♥
