miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012
Ecological Mind
Really, I think that I aren't so much friendly with the enviroment. I worried about close the tap water, don't leave the water flowing or if I clean the dishes, first I lathering them, and then I rinse them. I believe that I most take care is the water. And never I throw rubish or wrappers on the floors, I save this until I see a trash.
But I don't recycle, I think that this is difficult, if your country haven't a ecological mind. For example mi mom separate the rubish, but I think that is useless, if when came the garbage drunk all the rubbish is mixers. If in my municipality had polities about be friendly with the enviroment, must put different trash. But don't exist here.
For example, my sister buy a folding bycicle, and in the metro station of own commune don't let that they she get to the metro with her bike, neither are good cycle path, like in other comunnes. If you want to go in bike isn't secure. I think that in the practice, the great majority of the people are lazy, and although had good intentions, had take a lot of work do it. More than the goverment don't promote this.
I think that depend so much of when you live, for example in Ñuñoa or Providencia is very common go to cycling. And in the supermarket or in the schools are trashes for the differents types of rubbish: pappers, glass and plastic. But in my home, Puente Alto is very rare find one.
I think that put publicity in tv isn't enough! It's better invest to education and polities about be friendly with the enviromen. For chile will be enviromental friendly, must changed the mind of all chilean, for all saw that isn't stupid or hippie take care your own country and planet. Is something that is beneficial for all.
This is the most actual Earth's photo of Nasa upload to your flickr. And it show how was changed it, like the earth is converting to a desert.
miércoles, 25 de enero de 2012
Perhaps that I like about Santiago is that I know it, and if you're in the center of the city you can walk anywhere. With my friends always walked a lot, and it's fun, we walk to the different parks in the city (Bustamante, Forestal). Always with my friends we met in "the square of sculptures" or "San Borja park", I like the places, because it is very quiet, in the sense that there are guards, so lots of people. I love going to the Parque Metropolitano, especially Mapulemu Garden, I love lie on the grass, and there is a beautiful view of Santiago.

You can always find something fun to do. In Santiago are many fun things like bowling, ice skating rinks, skate tracks, swimming pools, cinema. There are always cultural activities like plays, exhibitions, just need a little information and you will find something fun to do.
Another point that much of Santiago appallingly, is that you can eat and drink, for little money. You can always find places "good, nice and cheap."
I like to go dance with my friends, we always go the same place, Ex-lemon club. It's very cheap, here are theme parties and the music is fun, the DJ put all kinds of music but mostly Pop music. Although the atmosphere is too open mind.
I like to go dance with my friends, we always go the same place, Ex-lemon club. It's very cheap, here are theme parties and the music is fun, the DJ put all kinds of music but mostly Pop music. Although the atmosphere is too open mind.
I hate the weather, there are many thermal amplitude. In the morning, it is very cold. And very hot in the afternoon, particularly in summer. If James had the atmosphere of the beach would be perfect. But what I hate most about santiago, it's very dangerous, there is much delinquency. Even in places that you think are safe and even in the day. So you can never be quiet and you always keep your eye on your belongings. I hate when it's dark and I have to go back to my home, I'm very afraid.
I don't know that could be done for the city was more safer. Maybe more police or more lighting could help. A resident of the city, knows that he has to go to certain places or to care for your things, but the tourists do not know this. If you don't know Santiago, you must walk always in groups for lighted areas and take care each other.
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012
Greatest Chilean.
I don't know very well who is worthy of this tittle, because this is very subjtetive.
I think that must be admirable persons, no necessarily for godness, but talent, creativity or intelligence, or that have all this characteristic.Personally I admire to Vicente Huidobro and Violeta Parra.
I think that all this persons was very talented. All this people was be famous first outside from Chile, but not in yours country. Fortunately now this was changed.
Vicente Huidodro is famous for write "Altazor". He was a very talented person, with a personalitty so special. I think that he must be considerate like a one of the most important chilean poet, because only he attain to created a estetic movement like the creationism

Violeta Parra was a woman very talented, she encouragement all the arts: music, paint, sculture. And was the first chilean in exhibit in the Louvre Museum of London.
But actual chileans (that still lived) and I admire are Jose Maza and Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Are person very differente. One is a astronomer and the other is ... i can't explain well what is he.
Alejando Jodorowsky was be writer, poet, filmmaker, psicowizard, between other things.He is a very excentric and talented persons, He was filmed many movies, and write very books. Personally I like the boooks in that he talk about his own experience, living with quak or a zen master. I think that his books are useful for the daily life.
I think that his most important creation is the "Psico-magic", a terapeutic tecnic that group the psichoanalysis, the "chamanismo" and the catharsis of the teathre.
Jose Maza is a astronomer, national prize of science, I like him because is a person very modest and intelligent, and he search to explain the amazing discover from the universe with simple metaphors, for all the people understand. He was be dedicated to the study of Supernovas, knowlede that allow to discover that the universe is expanding acceleratedly. And he is teacher of this University.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2012
I'm a Sheep. Althought this was only for one day because the change of signe in chinise horoscope is in February 15th, and I was born in Februery. But definetetely I'm a goat.
The Goat symbolizes such character traits as creativity, intelligence, dependability, and calmness. Comfortable being alone to ponder the workings of their inner minds. I prefer to work alone, I don't like to work in group or to study in group. I'm most comfortable being alone, apart from I'm most concentrate and alway i thinking in many things (Is very easily for me to disconcert). They’re quite and reserved because they spend much time absorbed in their thoughts, Yes! and sometimes it looks that I don't care nothing (maybe the people that don't know me think this) for example when someone is talk with me or telling me something, but I thinking deeply in the matter, since all the perspectives, and fight deeply with me. And they understand me ♥ I'm always was worried for my friends, I like a mom, always I try that they learn, to give advice and care that they don't get into problems.
There they can express themselves artistically, whether it’s by painting, cooking or participating in whatever artistic endeavors they enjoy. I love to paint, my books and full of draw, in the school was one of my favourite subject, and my teacher think that i have talent, I always said to me that i shouldn't miss it.
I'm a good cook, I love prepared pies, kuchen, cookies or to invent strange sauces and recipe.
Maybe I will enjoy to study something with this areas (arts, hair stylist, chef), but I don't know...I 'm here now. I think that these is more like a hobby.
I haven't many furniture in my room, but all my things are pink, I like that all is combine. When I buy something I don't look in marks, i look that was pink.
I always have good healthy, but when I was sad I sick very easily.
In general I think that this description is like me.
In the signs of the Zodiac I'm Aquarius. "is eccentricity and radical individuality seeking freedom of the soul and communication with the group mind. You’re investigative, curious and extremely active mentally. Your thinking mind rarely, if ever, stops. You need to learn when to shut down as your brain can become overactive, especially at night.."
And I feel so identify with this. Althought I think sometimes that maybe you was like "influenced" with these descriptions. Anyway alway that I remember and can, I read my horoscope.
miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011
Christmas ♥
![]() |
My team in 'Party and Co'. |
We cook tacos, pisco sour and kaipirinia. We played a game, Party and co., it was
so funny. You had to responded to general culture’s question, mimics, to draw.
We shout a lot! And laugh a lot! And we'd played all night long, until the morning.
I had lovely and funny days, with the people that I love.
I started my chrismast on friday. I met with my friends and
we had played secret friend c: My secret friend gave me a pencil case and a scary monster lamp of hello kitty ♥, and a bracellet with butterflies.
Saturday, the chrismas's day i stayed in my home with my family. The dinner was good, my mother prepared shredded meat and i prepared a mushroom sauce. Was a lovely time.
Then came the stresful part, to put the gifts in the tree witouht my brother saw it (until he believed in Santa ♥).
While my mother and sister to went for a walk with him, and I put them
My parents gave to my brother a Wii ♥ What surprise! He shout too much! (And my sister and me too).
My mom gave to me, a hello kitty's pijama ♥ and a hello kitty's towel ♥ (Yes, some people never grow up). And my dad a box with make-up and a mp4.
Then we installed the Wii, and played Super Mario Gallaxy. I love Mario and Wii version, is equal that Super Nintendo (only better graphic design) that i played when I was child. And we played until too late (^o^).
On Sunday, we went to Conchali, to visited the family (All my family lived here).
First we had launch with my grandmother and my great-grandmother (of father's side).
My cousins and my uncle went too. We (my sister and me) don't talk so much with them, because hardly ever we see them. But this day was different. We'd talking sou much (Even I teach calculus to my cousin e_e).
In the evening we went to grandparent's home. My family of mother'side is bigger. We had 4 uncles and 2 aunt. And we are more than 20 cousins.
But this was a different day from my family, because my granduncle "went". He had schizophrenia, and my grandparent went to the residential home for the elderly where he live and brought him. I haven't seen him for ages.
But all was as usual, We talk, ate and laugh a lot.
miércoles, 14 de diciembre de 2011
Learning English with a crossword :D
This site is so interactive, it have activities for all ages and tastes. For these characteristics the BBC'site is a form more funny for learn or practice english. This have funny activities like games, quizzes and cartoons (The Flatmates); that will help you in your grammar, vocabulation and pronunciation.
Today I found here, in the Quizzes, a Archaeology's Crossword. This gives clues for help you to resolve the crossword and while you can read news related with the topic, in this case, Archaeology. When you finished it, you can to see your results.
I was wrong in one word, my score was 730. Anyway, this was fun. While you play, you're learning.
Finally I see a episode of 'The Flatmates'. In this episode, they plays to "Secret Santa", and they exchanged gift. This is like a "secret friend" by with another name.
Truly I always really bored in english classes, in all places where I had to learn it. Nothing personal. But it's fun :D
Today I found here, in the Quizzes, a Archaeology's Crossword. This gives clues for help you to resolve the crossword and while you can read news related with the topic, in this case, Archaeology. When you finished it, you can to see your results.
I was wrong in one word, my score was 730. Anyway, this was fun. While you play, you're learning.
Finally I see a episode of 'The Flatmates'. In this episode, they plays to "Secret Santa", and they exchanged gift. This is like a "secret friend" by with another name.
Truly I always really bored in english classes, in all places where I had to learn it. Nothing personal. But it's fun :D
miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2011
Studying in Summer
I hate the summer! I don't like to sunbathe and every day are terrible hot.
And to have class in summer is even worst. I hate the travelling, to wait the bus.
And almost my friend are finishing the college's year, they are giving their last exams, and we are just beginning. And they
But I think this is better than to lose the semester. Despite everything. We will have a express semester and we don't delay in the career. I studied before two years in another career and I don't want to delay. Althought perhaps this thought, it's very selfish of my part.
Anyway this return to class was beneficial to me, in part. I was a bit depressed and stressed. Now I can spend my mind in other things and cleared my head.
And i liked my news subjet, especially Archaeology II and Evolution ♥.
But I don't in habit to get up early yet :'( And I arrived late always.
My greatest wish for this semester is pass all my subject, this will be a good Christmast gift c: ♥
And to have class in summer is even worst. I hate the travelling, to wait the bus.
And almost my friend are finishing the college's year, they are giving their last exams, and we are just beginning. And they
But I think this is better than to lose the semester. Despite everything. We will have a express semester and we don't delay in the career. I studied before two years in another career and I don't want to delay. Althought perhaps this thought, it's very selfish of my part.
Anyway this return to class was beneficial to me, in part. I was a bit depressed and stressed. Now I can spend my mind in other things and cleared my head.
And i liked my news subjet, especially Archaeology II and Evolution ♥.
But I don't in habit to get up early yet :'( And I arrived late always.
My greatest wish for this semester is pass all my subject, this will be a good Christmast gift c: ♥
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